Home Forums Web Site Development Last call for draft website comments and changes!

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  • #620
    David M. 318

    Just about ready to take this live!

    Still considering deleting the News page and instead I would post the news in the forum, which would allow members to reply/comment on the news in the forum. I turned off “post commenting” whereby members could comment on events or news posts elsewhere on the site because I thought most members wouldn’t click through those pages to see the discussions.

    There’s just one page I need to add more text to, which is the “renewals” page in the members section, which replaces the “account info” page we had hoped to link to QuickBooks but proved too difficult. This page will basically explain that we email invoices one a year and to watch for that email to pay your bill, etc.

    Also for more image galleries, I can make more of those but we also added a feature in the forum whereby people can more easily add photos and other attachments to share.


    Will there be as section for current and past Newsletters that were sent out?

    Can we add a Facilities section where we/I can post updates as they happen? Might want ability to add pics here as well.

    David M. 318

    Newsletters are in the News page right now but I might move them to the forum and create a new forum header just for news.

    We can add a facilities section but there is already a forum header for “Club Improvements and Workparty Planning”, which hasn’t been used. I can change that name or if you think we need two for different purposes, we can make another. It’s not hard to make more forum headers if we need more.

    We added a function to add photos and other attachments to the posts and replies. Scroll down past the box where you type in the text for your post and you’ll see the word “Attachments:” and a button below that to “Choose File” to uplaod.

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